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Our Career

Our Career

Diversified Industrial Development

We have developed diversified industrial mode, integrating salt+ alkali, salt+ electricity, and salt cavern+ energy storage.

  • Salt+ alkali

    We have integrated salt production and chlor-alkali production using technological coupling, extending the industrial chains and improving the value chain. The Wet Salt directly enters into chlor-alkali enterprises, and the primary brine, into chlor-alkali electrolyzer, which promotes the chlor-alkali industry to produce sodium carbonate with full bittern, saving energies and reducing emissions.

  • Salt cavern+ energy storage

    We have carried out the construction of gas storage and clean compressed air energy storage plant with Tsinghua University, CNPC, Sinopec, Towngas, China Huaneng, etc. Meanwhile, we have started a new commercial use of gas storage, becoming a reference of comprehensive utilization of salt cavern in industry.

  • Salt+ electricity

    Jiayi Thermal Power Co., Ltd. being the regional energy center, we have united the salt factory and more than 200 heat consumers in the region to form an energy recycling community. We have annually saved 10,000 tons of standard coal by water recycling and multi-level energy recycling of steam.

Global Market

We have successfully opened up domestic and international markets, with a complete sales network in more than 30 countries and regions around the world.